Culp, Brian2015-04-012015-04-012014-02Culp, B. (2014). An Analysis of Future Coaches' Emerging Dispositions on Social Justice: The Wooden Effect. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9(1), 111-122. qualitative study explored the extent to which an archetype presented through a non-fiction text could impact aspiring coaches' (AC's) dispositions regarding social justice. Forty-three aspiring coaches at a Midwestern university enrolled in a foundations class that presented issues related to inequity were studied. Analysis of student journals indicated changes in AC's philosophies regarding social justice, an appreciation for the perspectives of underrepresented groups and emergent critical perspectives when examining sport processes. Results of the study imply that a focus on democratic education and constructivism in coaching preparation programs may be of benefit. A means by which praxis of this nature can be realized for future professionals is presented using Giddens' structuration theory.en-USarchetypescoaching educationcritical pedagogyAn Analysis of Future Coaches’ Emerging Dispositions on Social Justice: The Wooden EffectArticle