Liu, QinMarrs, James A.Londraville, Richard L.Wilson, Amy L.2016-01-152016-01-152008-10Liu, Q., Marrs, J. A., Londraville, R. L., & Wilson, A. L. (2008). Cadherin-7 Function in Zebrafish Development. Cell and Tissue Research, 334(1), 37–45. cell adhesion molecules play crucial roles in vertebrate development. Most studies have focused on examining the functions of classical type I cadherins (e.g., cadherin-2) in the development of vertebrates. Little information is available concerning the function of classical type II cadherins (e.g., cadherin-7) in vertebrate development. We have previously shown that cadherin-7 mRNA exhibits a dynamic expression pattern in the central nervous system and notochord in embryonic zebrafish. To gain insight into the role of cadherin-7 in the formation of these structures, we analyzed their formation in zebrafish embryos injected with cadherin-7-specific antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MO). Notochord development was severely disrupted in MO-injected embryos, whereas gross defects in the development of the central nervous system were not detected in MO-injected embryos. Our results thus demonstrate that cadherin-7 plays an important role in the normal development of the zebrafish notochord.Publisher PolicyCell adhesion moleculesNotochordCentral nervous systemAntisense morpholino oligonucleotidesCadherin-7 function in zebrafish developmentArticle