Milgrom, Zheng Z.Severance, Tyler S.Scanlon, Caitlin M.Carson, Anyé T.Vik, Terry A.Duwve, Joan M.Dixon, Brian E.Mendonca, Eneida A.2023-10-162023-10-162022Milgrom ZZ, Severance TS, Scanlon CM, et al. Building Cancer Control Capacity in Health Professionals Through Telementoring: A Survey Study of a Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Care ECHO Program. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022;290:1122-1123. doi:10.3233/SHTI220298 Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (Project ECHO©) was developed to democratize knowledge among health professionals in underserved communities. Evidence supporting the use of this model for cancer control is limited. Using surveys adapted from Moore’s evaluation framework, we evaluated the training outcomes of an ECHO program on cancer prevention and survivorship care. The study provides preliminary evidence that the ECHO model is a feasible way to build cancer control capacity among the healthcare workforce.en-USPublisher PolicyTelemedicineEducationContinuingPopulation healthBuilding Cancer Control Capacity in Health Professionals Through Telementoring: A Survey Study of a Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Care ECHO ProgramArticle