Blevins, Amy E.2019-03-192019-03-192014Blevins A. Creating a curriculum based library instruction plan for medical students In: Blevins A, Inman M, editors. Curriculum-Based Library Instruction: From Cultivating Faculty Relationships to Assessment. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield; 2014. p. 149-57.[Excerpt] There are multiple situations in which a librarian may find themselves creating a multi-session or longitudinal curriculum-based library instruction program. Maybe you’ve been hoping to do just this very thing for a while, or you stepped into the shoes of a librarian that did this before you, or possibly you’re finding your motivation from an external force. You might be facing this challenge with years of teaching experience or not. No matter what the situation, this chapter will provide tips and strategies for developing a well-rounded library instruction program that focuses on the use of both information literacy skills and evidence based practice principles.en-USLibrary InstructionMedical LibrariesMedical StudentsCurriculaCreating a curriculum based library instruction plan for medical studentsBook chapter