Stratta, Robert J.Farney, Alan C.Fridell, Jonathan A.2023-07-312023-07-312022Stratta RJ, Farney AC, Fridell JA. Analyzing outcomes following pancreas transplantation: Definition of a failure or failure of a definition. Am J Transplant. 2022;22(6):1523-1526. doi:10.1111/ajt.17003 transplantation has an identity crisis and is at a crossroads. Although outcomes continue to improve in each successive era, the number of pancreas transplants performed annually in the United States has been static for several years in spite of increasing numbers of deceased donors. For most practitioners who manage diabetes, pancreas transplantation is considered an extreme measure to control diabetes. With expanded recipient selection (primarily simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation) in patients who are older, have a higher BMI, are minorities, or who have a type 2 diabetes phenotype, the controversy regarding type of diabetes detracts from the success of intervention. The absence of a clear and precise definition of pancreas graft failure, particularly one that lacks a measure of glycemic control, inhibits wider application of pancreas transplantation with respect to reporting long-term outcomes, comparing this treatment to alternative therapies, developing listing and allocation policy, and having a better understanding of the patient perspective. It has been suggested that the definition of pancreas graft failure should differ depending on the type of pretransplant diabetes. In this commentary, we discuss current challenges regarding the development of a uniform definition of pancreas graft failure and propose a potential solution to this vexing problem.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalC-peptideHemoglobin A1cInsulinPancreas graft failurePancreas transplantationAnalyzing outcomes following pancreas transplantation: Definition of a failure or failure of a definitionArticle