Yoder, Karmen K.Alessi, Jonathan P.Kareken, David A.Džemidžić, MarioConsidine, Robert V.Harezlak, Jaroslaw2024-05-312024-05-312024-05https://hdl.handle.net/1805/41127Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Obesity and alcohol use may together account for 640,000 adult deaths each year in the United States. In both cases, overconsumption drives untoward effects. Alcohol use and obesity also both relate to sweet liking, as sugar consumption is consistently linked to weight gain and intense sweet liking has been linked to an inherited risk for alcohol use disorder (AUD). However, the neural underpinnings of these associations are largely unknown. Thus, we used sugar-sweetened water administration during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to probe these relationships in two studies. In the first, we tested the relationship between a known AUD risk factor, subjective response to alcohol, and the brain response to both sucrose and monetary reward in 140 young adults. We found a significant positive correlation between the enjoyable component of subjective responses to a standardized intravenous alcohol exposure and activation to high-concentration sucrose (but not monetary reward) in the right dorsal anterior insula and the supplementary motor area, supporting a role for these regions in AUD risk. In the second study, we investigated the neural mechanisms of sweet liking decreases following bariatric surgery, the most effective obesity treatment. Here, we evaluated the change in brain activation to sucrose in 24 women before (BMI 47.0 + 6.9 kg/m2) and 21 women after (BMI 37.6 + 6.5 kg/m2) bariatric surgery and compared the pre- and post-surgical activation patterns to those of 21 normal to overweight (BMI 23.5 + 2.5 kg/m2) control participants. Brain activation did not differ between controls and surgery participants at either time point. However, activation to sucrose in reward, but not sensory, regions decreased significantly after surgery, consistent with reduced drive to consume sweet foods. Together, these studies highlight the utility of quantifying brain responses to sweet taste as a method to understand the mechanisms underlying overconsumptive behavior.en-USAdiposityAlcoholismfMRINucleus accumbensRewardSucroseBrain Responses to Sugar: Implications for Alcohol Use Disorder and ObesityThesis