Du, LeiZhang, TuoLiu, KefeiYao, XiaohuiYan, JingwenRisacher, Shannon L.Guo, LeiSaykin, Andrew J.Shen, Li2017-11-162017-11-162016-12Du, L., Zhang, T., Liu, K., Yao, X., Yan, J., Risacher, S. L., . . . Shen, L. (2016). Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis via truncated ℓ1-norm with application to brain imaging genetics. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). doi:10.1109/bibm.2016.7822605https://hdl.handle.net/1805/14567Discovering bi-multivariate associations between genetic markers and neuroimaging quantitative traits is a major task in brain imaging genetics. Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis (SCCA) is a popular technique in this area for its powerful capability in identifying bi-multivariate relationships coupled with feature selection. The existing SCCA methods impose either the ℓ1-norm or its variants. The ℓ0-norm is more desirable, which however remains unexplored since the ℓ0-norm minimization is NP-hard. In this paper, we impose the truncated ℓ1-norm to improve the performance of the ℓ1-norm based SCCA methods. Besides, we propose two efficient optimization algorithms and prove their convergence. The experimental results, compared with two benchmark methods, show that our method identifies better and meaningful canonical loading patterns in both simulated and real imaging genetic analyse.enPublisher Policysparse canonical correlation analysistruncated ℓ1-normconvergenceSparse Canonical Correlation Analysis via Truncated ℓ1-norm with Application to Brain Imaging GeneticsConference proceedings