Gentle-Genitty, CarolynBragg, NatashaThomison, Erika2017-05-252017-05-252017-04-08Gentle-Genitty, C., Bragg, N., Thomison, E. (2017 April 8). Integrating Inter-Group Dialogue. Poster. 18th Annual Midwest Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Indiana University South Bend, South Bend, IN. examine the effects of intergroup dialogue in social work. Project aimed to increase faculty knowledge and improve students’ skills in communicating about difficult subjects by participating in intergroup dialogue. Faculty infused the 4-stage IGD model in seven Bachelor of Social Work courses. Assessment, using pre-post tests, were administered to evaluate increases in students’ level of … 1) Empathy, 2) Awareness of social inequality, 3) Beliefs about inequality in society, 4) Capacity to engage in dialogue, 5) Communication regarding differenceen-USIntergroup DialogueEducationSocial WorkIntegrating Inter-Group DialoguePoster