Crowder, Sharron J.Hanna, Kathleen M.Carpenter, Janet S.Broome, Marion E.2017-07-312017-07-312015-11Crowder, S. J., Hanna, K. M., Carpenter, J. S., & Broome, M. E. (2015). Factors Associated with Asthma Self-management in African American Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30(6), e35–e43. studies have focused on asthma self-management in African American adolescents, a group with high rates of the disease. This study examined factors associated with asthma self-management in 133 African Americans aged 14-16 years including gender, asthma impairment, prior asthma education, cognitive and emotional illness representations. Twenty-five percent of the variance in asthma self-management was explained by having attended an asthma education program, perceiving more asthma consequences (illness consequences), and reporting greater understanding of asthma as an illness (illness coherence). Findings suggest that these variables may be important targets of interventions to improve asthma self-management in African American middle adolescents.en-USPublisher PolicyAfrican Americansstatistics & numerical dataAsthmaethnologytherapyPatient Education as Topicorganization & administrationSelf CaremethodsFactors Associated with Asthma Self-Management in African American AdolescentsArticle