Oruche, Ukamaka M.2015-01-082015-01-082014-10-21Oruche, Ukamaka. (2014, October 21). Next generation -- the key to sustainable health care? TEDxIndianapolis.http://youtu.be/Ek5JEcuP7I4https://hdl.handle.net/1805/5609This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Volunteers from the United States commit thousands of hours in medical missions annually to people across the globe. I’ve led volunteers to Nigeria for 10 years. How to provide sustained health care services over the long haul is our most difficult challenge. A shift from short-term to long-term provision of health care services is needed. Fully engaging the next generation of adults in the United States and the recipient countries is the key to this effort. Their openness to cultural diversity and fresh ideas will be critically important to ensuring sustainable health care.en-USMedical MissionsGlobal HealthNigeriaHealth CareVolunteersNext generation -- the key to sustainable health care?Video