Palakal, MathewPandit, YogeshJones, JosetteXia, YuniBandos, JeanGeesaman, JerryPecenka, DaveTinsley, Eric2016-11-142016-11-142010-04-09Mathew Palakal, School of Informatics, Yogesh Pandit, School of Informatics, Josette Jones, School of Informatics, Yuni Xia, Dept. of Computer Science, Jean Bandos, My Health Care Manager Inc., Indianapolis, Jerry Geesaman, My Health Care Manager Inc., Indianapolis, Dave Pecenka, My Health Care Manager Inc., Indianapolis, and Eric Tinsley, My Health Care Manager Inc., Indianapolis. (2010, April 9). Decision Support System For Geriatric Care. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractGeriatrics is a branch in medicine that focuses on the healthcare of the elderly. We propose to build a decision support system for the elderly care based on a knowledgebase system that incorporates best practices that are reported in the literature. A Bayesian network model is then used for decision support for the geriatric care tool that we develop.en-USGeriatricshealthcareelderlydecision support systemDecision Support System For Geriatric CarePoster