Setser, MeredithTaylor, Miranda2016-07-062016-07-062016 intricate patterns and movements of the Basket Starfish spreading its arms and swaing in the gentle currents of the sea, the glimmer of light through the canopy of a forest shining light upon the pollen and dust riding in the breeze, the tessellations of a Night Blooming Cereus on a warm summer eve; nature is deeply profound and dynamic yet effortless and unselfconscious. Here rests the stillness of mind I seek through my creations. Materials reflect the colors, textures, and movements observed in coral reefs, forests, and botanical gardens; the deep red of the Dragon's Heart Hibiscus and Heliconia, the textures of the flowering palms, and the gentle flow of the current under the surface of the ocean. By integrating aspects of Taoist philosophy and transformative meditative techniques into my studio practice, I utilize my unselfconscious state of mind to create works that reflect the subtleties found in nature to evoke contemplation and stillness of the minds of viewers.enPapermakingPrintmakingStillnessWu-weiNatureMeditationEvoking Stillness