Leonard, Charles E.Han, XuBilker, Warren B.Flory, James H.Brensinger, Colleen M.Flockhart, David A.Gagne, Joshua J.Cardillo, SerenaHennessy, Sean2017-08-142017-08-142016-05Leonard, C. E., Han, X., Bilker, W. B., Flory, J. H., Brensinger, C. M., Flockhart, D. A., … Hennessy, S. (2016). Comparative risk of severe hypoglycemia among concomitant users of thiazolidinedione antidiabetic agents and antihyperlipidemics. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 115, 60–67. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2016.03.006https://hdl.handle.net/1805/13824We conducted high-dimensional propensity score-adjusted cohort studies to examine whether thiazolidinedione use with a statin or fibrate was associated with an increased risk of severe hypoglycemia. We found that concomitant therapy with a thiazolidinedione+fibrate was associated with a generally delayed increased risk of severe hypoglycemia.en-USPublisher PolicyCohort studiesComparative effectiveness researchDiabetes mellitusDrug interactionsHypoglycemiaHypolipidemic agentsMedicaidPharmacoepidemiologyPropensity scoreThiazolidinedionesComparative risk of severe hypoglycemia among concomitant users of thiazolidinedione antidiabetic agents and antihyperlipidemicsArticle