Bandy, J.Price, Mary F.Clayton, P. H.Metzker, J.Nigro, G.Stanlick, S.Etheridge Woodson, S.Bartel, A.Gale, S.2018-11-082018-11-082018Bandy, J., Price, M. F., Clayton, P. H., Metzker, J., Nigro, G., Stanlick, S., Etheridge Woodson, S., Bartel, A., & Gale, S. (2018). Democratically engaged assessment: Reimagining the purposes and practices of assessment in community engagement. Davis, CA: Imagining America. document is a project of reclamation and transformation, one that is both ongoing and rooted in years of dialogue within Imagining America and the work of its Assessing Practices of Public Scholarship research group (APPS). It emerges from our own experiences with assessment related to community engagement and from those of many other colleagues on campuses and in diverse communities. It is intended to bring together those who wish to reimagine assessment in light of its civic potential — to develop what we refer to as Democratically Engaged Assessment (DEA).Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesDemocratically engaged assessmentassessmentpublic scholarshipImagining AmericaDemocratically engaged assessment: Reimagining the purposes and practices of assessment in community engagementWhite Paper