Fry, Brendan C.Harris, AlonSiesky, BrentArciero, Julia2023-04-032023-04-032020-11Fry BC, Harris A, Siesky B, Arciero J. Blood flow regulation and oxygen transport in a heterogeneous model of the mouse retina. Math Biosci. 2020;329:108476. doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2020.108476 intraocular pressure is the primary risk factor for glaucoma, yet vascular health and ocular hemodynamics have also been established as important risk factors for the disease. The precise physiological mechanisms and processes by which flow impairment and reduced tissue oxygenation relate to retinal ganglion cell death are not fully known. Mathematical modeling has emerged as a useful tool to help decipher the role of hemodynamic alterations in glaucoma. Several previous models of the retinal microvasculature and tissue have investigated the individual impact of spatial heterogeneity, flow regulation, and oxygen transport on the system. This study combines all three of these components into a heterogeneous mathematical model of retinal arterioles that includes oxygen transport and acute flow regulation in response to changes in pressure, shear stress, and oxygen demand. The metabolic signal (Si) is implemented as a wall-derived signal that reflects the oxygen deficit along the network, and three cases of conduction are considered: no conduction, a constant signal, and a flow-weighted signal. The model shows that the heterogeneity of the downstream signal serves to regulate flow better than a constant conducted response. In fact, the increases in average tissue PO2 due to a flow-weighted signal are often more significant than if the entire level of signal is increased. Such theoretical work supports the importance of the non-uniform structure of the retinal vasculature when assessing the capability and/or dysfunction of blood flow regulation in the retinal microcirculation.en-USPublisher PolicyMathematical modeBlood flow regulationOxygen transportRetinaHeterogeneous vascular networkBlood flow regulation and oxygen transport in a heterogeneous model of the mouse retinaArticle