Mizota, TomokoAnton, Nicholas E.Stefanidis, Dimitrios2018-11-092018-11-092018Mizota, T., Anton, N. E., & Stefanidis, D. (2018). Surgeons see anatomical structures faster and more accurately compared to novices: development of a pattern recognition skill assessment platform. The American Journal of Surgery. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjsurg.2018.10.011https://hdl.handle.net/1805/17746Background This study aimed to identify differences in pattern recognition skill among individuals with varying surgical experience. Methods Participants reviewed laparoscopic cholecystectomy videos of various difficulty, and paused them when the cystic duct or artery was identified to outline each structure on the monitor. Time taken to identify each structure, accuracy and work load, which was assessed using the NASA-Task Load Index (TLX), were compared among the three groups. Results Ten students, ten residents and eight attendings participated in the study. Attendings identified the cystic duct and artery significantly faster and more accurately than students, and identified the cystic artery faster than residents. The NASA-TLX score of attendings was significantly lower than that of students and residents. Conclusions Attendings identified anatomical structures faster, more accurately, and with less effort than students or residents. This platform may be valuable for the assessment and teaching of pattern recognition skill to novice surgeons. Short summary Accurate anatomical recognition is paramount to proceeding safely in surgery. The assessment platform used in this study differentiated recognition skill among individuals with varing surgical experience.enPublisher Policyanatomyvisual perceptionperceptualSurgeons see anatomical structures faster and more accurately compared to novices: Development of a pattern recognition skill assessment platformArticle