Walk, MarleneZhang, RuodanLittlepage, Laura C.2019-06-282019-06-282019Walk, M., Zhang, R., & Littlepage, L. (2019). “Don’t you want to stay?” The impact of training and recognition as human resource practices on volunteer turnover. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, pp. 509-527. https://doi.org/10.1002/nml.21344https://hdl.handle.net/1805/19760Managing volunteers is a difficult undertaking. This study draws on human resource (HR) management theory and literature to investigate the effect of two HR practices—training and recognition—on volunteer turnover. We use longitudinal administrative data collected by an Indiana nonprofit organization, which contains individual volunteer characteristics, organizational HR practices, and information on actual turnover behavior. We found that recognizing volunteer contributions with awards predicted volunteer retention in the following year. Training did not have a direct effect on volunteer turnover, but interacted with gender; men who received training were more likely to stay than women. The study contributes to the literature on HR management in the volunteer context, adds to the emerging literature on awards as incentives for volunteers, and addresses the common method bias by using longitudinal data.enPublisher PolicyturnovervolunteersHR practices“Don't you want to stay?” The impact of training and recognition as human resource practices on volunteer turnoverArticle