Walker, Marquita2019-09-162019-09-162015Walker, M. (2015). Workforce development through technologically enhanced-learning experiences (TELES). In E. Brown, A. Krasteva, & M. Ranieri (Series Eds) & E. Brown, R. Craven, and G. McLean (Vol. Eds.), E-Learning and Social Media: Education and Citizenship for the Digital 21st Century: Vol 10, pp. 43-63, International Advances in Education: Global Initiatives for Equity and Social Justice. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/20932Local and global economies face serious economic and social costs in lost productivity as a result of the mismatch between workers’ skills, employers’ needs, and cost effective training programs for workforce development. Direct investments in workforce development and training have declined while the need for skilled labor has increased (Holzer, 2008). The need for a skilled workforce requiring increased technical and people skills places groups of individuals disadvantaged because of ethnicity, race, gender, decreased education or poor basic skills at a double disadvantage because they now face the challenge of competing for jobs in a global labor market requiring some significant postsecondary education and training. This inability to function well in the labor market contributes to low employment and earnings thus placing these disadvantaged groups in distressed situations as family providers. Increased investments in workforce development and training will contribute to the reduction of unemployed workers. Technological Enhanced Learning Experiences (TELEs) provide a flexible learning solutions tool to address this disparity. TELEs are online training modules providing initial and long-term support for workers to upgrade their occupational and interpersonal skills to regain lost earnings, reintegrate into the workforce, and increase the supply of skilled workers employers need to remain competitive.en-UStechnologically enhanced learning experiences (TELEs)Workforce development through technologically enhanced-learning experiences (TELES)Book chapter