Li, PingWalsh, Julia R.Lopez, KevinIsidan, AbdulkadirZhang, WenjunChen, Angela M.Goggins, William C.Higgins, Nancy G.Liu, JianyunBrutkiewicz, Randy R.Smith, Lester J.Hara, HidetakaCooper, David K.C.Ekser, Burcin2023-02-282023-02-282021-08-16Li P, Walsh JR, Lopez K, et al. Publisher Correction: Genetic engineering of porcine endothelial cell lines for evaluation of human-to-pig xenoreactive immune responses. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):16967. Published 2021 Aug 16. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-96406-4 4.0 InternationalErratumCorrectionsPUBLISHER CORRECTION: Genetic engineering of porcine endothelial cell lines for evaluation of human-to-pig xenoreactive immune responsesArticle