Kubi, BoatengKeiler, JamesAnthony, Douglas II2022-02-022022-02-022021-11Kubi, B., Keiler, J., & Douglas, A. (2021). A Game of Adaptability: Reflecting on the Highlights and Challenges of Applying for Surgical Residency During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annals of Surgery, 274(5), e381–e382. https://doi.org/10.1097/SLA.00000000000049831528-1140https://hdl.handle.net/1805/27664Virtual recruitment of candidates applying into General Surgery residency during the COVID-19 pandemic presented a number of benefits and challenges. Notable benefits for candidates included financial and resource cost savings, the ability to conduct multiple interviews within short time frame, and the ability to meet more faculty members on virtual interview day. Challenges included technological difficulties, difficulty assessing culture and authenticity of in-program relationships, zoom fatigue, and inability to form relationships with co-applicants. After assessing our experiences with these benefits and challenges, the authors recommend that future recruitment cycles maintain virtual interview days with optional, nonevaluative open house days for revisit and second look opportunities.en-USPublisher PolicyCOVID-19FacultyGeneral SurgeryA Game of Adaptability: Reflecting on the Highlights and Challenges of Applying for Surgical Residency During the COVID-19 PandemicArticle