Baich, TinaWeltin, Heather2011-04-042011-04-042011-03-24Baich, Tina and Heather Weltin. "Having Fun with ILLiad: Tricks to Customize & Simplify Your Workflows." Paper presented at the OCLC ILLiad International Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, March 24-25, 2011. you love creating new queues and routing rules in ILLiad for unique workflows? If so, come to this presentation. Tina and Heather will share some ILLiad customization tricks they have used to simplify workflows. Topics and workflows covered will include open access searching, purchase on demand, creating queues for non-ILL staff, requests for locally-owned materials, and dealing with non-OCLC requests. Useful add-ons will also be discussed. Time will be allowed for you to share how you’ve had fun with ILLiad, so please come with ideas to share!en-USInterlibrary loanILLiadInterlibrary loansHaving Fun with ILLiad: Tricks to Customize & Simplify Your WorkflowsPresentation