Park, Jun YoungLee, DongsooLee, Jang JaeGim, JungsooGunasekaran, Tamil IniyanChoi, Kyu YeongKang, SarangDo, Ah RaJo, JinyeonPark, JuhongPark, KyungtaekLi, DongheLee, SanghunKim, HoowonDhanasingh, ImmanuelGhosh, SuparnaKeum, SeulaChoi, Jee HyeSong, Gyun JeeSael, LeeRhee, SangmyungLovestone, SimonKim, EunaeMoon, Seung HwanKim, Byeong C.Kim, SangYunSaykin, Andrew J.Nho, KwangsikLee, Sung HaengFarrer, Lindsay A.Jun, Gyungah R.Won, SunghoLee, Kun Ho2023-04-052023-04-052021-11-16Park JY, Lee D, Lee JJ, et al. A missense variant in SHARPIN mediates Alzheimer's disease-specific brain damages. Transl Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):590. Published 2021 Nov 16. doi:10.1038/s41398-021-01680-5 genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD) account for only a portion of AD heritability. The aim of this study was to identify novel associations between genetic variants and AD-specific brain atrophy. We conducted genome-wide association studies for brain magnetic resonance imaging measures of hippocampal volume and entorhinal cortical thickness in 2643 Koreans meeting the clinical criteria for AD (n = 209), mild cognitive impairment (n = 1449) or normal cognition (n = 985). A missense variant, rs77359862 (R274W), in the SHANK-associated RH Domain Interactor (SHARPIN) gene was associated with entorhinal cortical thickness (p = 5.0 × 10-9) and hippocampal volume (p = 5.1 × 10-12). It revealed an increased risk of developing AD in the mediation analyses. This variant was also associated with amyloid-β accumulation (p = 0.03) and measures of memory (p = 1.0 × 10-4) and executive function (p = 0.04). We also found significant association of other SHARPIN variants with hippocampal volume in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (rs3417062, p = 4.1 × 10-6) and AddNeuroMed (rs138412600, p = 5.9 × 10-5) cohorts. Further, molecular dynamics simulations and co-immunoprecipitation indicated that the variant significantly reduced the binding of linear ubiquitination assembly complex proteins, SHPARIN and HOIL-1 Interacting Protein (HOIP), altering the downstream NF-κB signaling pathway. These findings suggest that SHARPIN plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalBiomarkersGeneticsAlzheimer diseaseCognitive dysfunctionA missense variant in SHARPIN mediates Alzheimer's disease-specific brain damagesArticle