Halverson, Colin M. E.Penwell, Heather L.Francomano, Clair A.2024-02-082024-02-082023Halverson CME, Penwell HL, Francomano CA. Clinician-associated traumatization from difficult medical encounters: Results from a qualitative interview study on the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes. SSM Qual Res Health. 2023;3:100237. doi:10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100237https://hdl.handle.net/1805/38337Patients with hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome often experience psychological distress resulting from the perceived hostility and disinterest of their clinicians. We conducted 26 in-depth interviews with patients to understand the origins of this trauma and how it could be addressed in practice. We found that the cumulative effects of numerous negative encounters lead patients to lose trust in their healthcare providers and the healthcare system, and to develop acute anxiety about returning to clinic to seek further care. We describe this as clinician-associated traumatization. Ultimately, our interviewees described the result of this traumatization as worse – but preventable – health outcomes.en-USPublisher PolicyClinician-associated traumatizationMedical traumaPost-traumatic stress symptomsEhlers-Danlos SyndromesBioethicsMedical anthropologyIn-depth interviewsUnited States of AmericaLatrogenicTrauma symptomsClinician-associated traumatization from difficult medical encounters: Results from a qualitative interview study on the Ehlers-Danlos SyndromesArticle