Carter, Jeremy G.2014-12-192014-12-192008Carter, J. G. (2008). Structure and Function of Public-Private Partnerships for Homeland Security, The. Homeland Security Rev., 2, 235. an effort to most effectively protect the United States from “all threats and all hazards”, an enormous amount of initiatives and attention have been directed at the development of public-private partnerships between law enforcement, the Intelligence Community and the private sector. However, little attention has been given to how these partnerships should be structured and how they will function – both formally and informally. Success of these partnerships depends upon the members’ abilities to recognize the context and intended outcomes of the partnerships. Identifying issues involved with effective public-private partnerships provides insight for practitioners and researchers alike. The demand, structure and functionality for these partnerships for development and sustainment will be discussed.en-USpublic-private partnershipslaw enforcement intelligenceinformation sharingemergency preparednessThe Structure and Function of Public-Private Partnerships for Homeland SecurityArticle