Galvin, Matthew R.Gaffney, Margaret M.2021-11-232021-11-232021Matthew R. Galvin & Margaret M. Gaffney. (2021). An Encyclopedia of Conscience: Introduction. In Gaffney, M.M. & Galvin, M.R., eds. An Encyclopedia of Conscience. IU Conscience Project. Accessible from: 2001, our Conscience Project meetings have regularly included lively discussions and applications of the conceptual framework of conscience theory - stages, domains and bedrock/intrinsic values – to the ideas we are studying in ethics, neuroscience, education, philosophy, psychology and theology. Early on, Dr. Barbara Stilwell compiled an alphabetical list of authors who may or may not have been explicit about conscience, but who deeply influenced our theory of conscience as it evolved, and recently, we have begun to apply the same conscience-sensitive approaches to character/author analyses in the histories, biographies, and other literature, fact and fiction, we are reading. We are excited to see how these unique conscience-sensitive approaches can enrich our own writing and teaching in humanistic medicine, general humanities, and specifically, moral education. The brief entries in this Encyclopedia of Conscience are not meant to be full biographies, but rather to provide an imaginative sketch of the form and function of each subject’s conscience. We welcome ideas and additions.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalConscienceEncyclopediasBiographiesAn Encyclopedia of Conscience: IntroductionChapter