Mullins, Paul2024-07-252024-07-252023-02-24 available at: available at: Paul Mullins is a historical archaeologist who studies the intersection of materiality and the color line, focusing on the relationship between racism, consumption, and urban displacement. Dr. Mullins’ research has focused on urban displacement in Indianapolis, examining how a century-old, predominately African-American community was displaced and is now reconstructing its history. His scholarship has included archaeological excavations, documentary research, and oral history in Ransom Place, Flanner House Homes, the present-day IUPUI campus, and postwar African-American suburbs. During this special event, several of Dr. Mullins’ colleagues share how his work has and continues to impact their lives and academic careers. This presentation also shows how Paul Mullins’ research is an exemplary model of IUPUI faculty members translating research into practice for the betterment of their fields and communities.en-USAn Exploration in the Power of Community Impact in the Work of Paul MullinsOther