Horne, JoshuaHenry, Ronda2015-12-092015-12-092012-04-13Joshua Horne and Ronda Henry. (2012, April 13). STUDY OF AFIRCAN AMERICAN MALES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE FACTORS THAT CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO POOR GRADUATING RATES. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/7657poster abstractWith the steady decline of African American males in college and graduat-ing high school, the African American male is being under represented in high ranking roles and positions of power in our world today. Why are Afri-can American males not graduating high school and not eventually going to college? What factors are causing this lack of interest, dedication, or funds? There could be many different factors that could cause this to anyone, but why are African American males the ones who are largely affected? A leading factor I believe could be the lack of role models for African American males. If the only black men that are being seen by students are the rappers and “gangsters” on TV, then who will the kids look up to? I am going to find the-se factors that affect the African American male in higher education. Through my findings, I will be able to produce better ways and alternatives for the learning and teaching of the African American male. I will observe students in class, conduct surveys, and interview different students and teachers. Why can’t black males achieve greatness in our world without be-ing a rapper or song artist? I believe that black males should be able to see an educated, smart, polite African American male in their community every single day, which I believe will make a major difference in their lives. Edu-cating young black men needs to be done for our future to succeed.en-USAfrican American MalesHigher EducationGraduating Ratesrole modelscommunitySTUDY OF AFIRCAN AMERICAN MALES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE FACTORS THAT CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO POOR GRADUATING RATESPoster