Macy, Katharine V.Howard, Heather A.Vaaler, Alyson S.2019-11-152019-11-152018Katharine V. Macy, Heather A. Howard, and Alyson S. Vaaler, "Managing the changing climate of business collections" (2018). Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference. that support business programs are weathering competing priorities in business collection management. When making decisions to cut and add new databases, we must assess the value of a given resource by considering a variety of quantitative metrics such as usage, cost per use, cost per citation, and pricing history. In addition, qualitative criteria are increasingly important when making decisions. These criteria include, but are not limited to, content coverage, accessibility, and whether a resource can be provided in a way that supports the principles of critical librarianship. This Lively Lunch discussion provided three brief presentations, which discussed (1) how value is determined for existing resources using metrics that are useful for holistic collection analysis and individual resource analysis (Macy), (2) critical librarianship and the selection of new business resources (Howard), and (3) managing accessibility requirements with business resources (Vaaler). Following the presentations, the librarians and vendors engaged in conversation in regard to evaluating business resources and making collection decisions.en-USbusiness collectionscollection managementcritical librarianshipaccessibilityManaging the changing climate of business collectionsArticle