Aptekarev, Alexander I.Toulyakov, Dmitry N.Yattselev, Maxim L.2016-08-022016-08-022015-11Aptekarev, A. I., Toulyakov, D. N., & Yattselev, M. L. (2016). On the parametrization of a certain algebraic curve of genus 2. Mathematical Notes, 98(5–6), 843–846. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S0001434615110139https://hdl.handle.net/1805/10554A parametrization of a certain algebraic curve of genus 2, given by a cubic equa-tion, is obtained. This curve appears in the study of Hermite-Pade´ approximants for a pair of functions with overlapping branch points on the real line. The suggested method of parametrization can be applied to other cubic curves as well.enIUPUI Open Access PolicyRiemann surfacesuniformizationparametrization of complex algebraic curvesOn the parametrization of a certain algebraic curve of genus 2Article