Connor, Ulla, 1948-Mbaye, Aymerou2011-08-302011-08-302002Connor, Ulla and Aymerou Mbaye. "Discourse Approaches to Writing Assessment." February 15, 2011. Available from IUPUI ScholarWorks., Ulla and Aymerou Mbaye. "Discourse Approaches to Writing Assessment." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, (2002), 22, 263-278.0267-1905 item submitted to IUPUI ScholarWorks as part of the OASIS Project. Article reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Permission granted through posted policies on copyright owner’s website or through direct contact with copyright owner.At present, mastery of English for educational and professional purposes contributes significantly to expansion of the role of English as a language of world communication. In this context, the teaching--and, consequently, the assessment--of EFL/ESL writing is receiving more attention than ever before. This chapter argues that, although this renewed interest in the evaluation of writing has resulted in advances in the field of language testing, it has by and large failed to incorporate insights gained from recent developments in text analysis. There is a considerable gap between current practices in writing assessment and criteria suggested by advances in knowledge of discourse structure. We illustrate this gap by contrasting current practices in the scoring of two major EFL/ESL writing tests with knowledge of text characteristics generated from recent developments in text analysis. The review concludes by making the case for bridging the gap and by proposing a model of writing assessment that incorporates both linguistic and discoursal features of texts.en-USDiscourse AnalysisEducational EvaluationEnglish LanguageWriting InstructionDiscourse analysisSecond language writingDiscourse Approaches to Writing AssessmentArticle