Macy, Katharine V.Baich, Tina2019-03-052019-03-052019-03-05Macy, Katharine V. and Tina Baich. Holistic e-resource analysis to support changing acquisition models. Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference, Austin, TX, March 3-6, 2019. slides and handout for presentation given at 2019 Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference.Transitioning to a new acquisition model that includes changing fund allocation requires a detailed plan and project management. This presentation will briefly outline the development of the new acquisition model before diving into a key component of the first phase, holistic assessment of journal and database subscriptions.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesElectronic resourcesAcademic librariesLibrary subscriptionsElectronic information resourcesAcademic libraries -- Collection developmentHolistic e-resource analysis to support changing acquisition modelsPresentation