Bahamonde, Rafael E.Beer, Jeffrey AllenLoghmani, M. TerryNaugle, Keith E.Streepey, Jefferson W.2019-08-092019-08-092019-07 University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)SASTMTM is a myofascial technique used to mobilize soft tissue and aid in the elongation of soft tissue and create physiological change. The purpose of the study was to determine the acute effects of Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (SASTMTM) on lower extremity hamstring strength (isokinetic & isometric) and flexibility. Thirty division III male athletes with limited ROM of ≤ 90o of knee extension with 90o of hip flexion while lying supine consented to volunteer. Each subject was treated and measured through a double-blinded experimental design where the subjects and tester were unaware of the real treatment being administered and measured. The research consisted of 4 visits (familiarization/baseline, and 3 data collection session). Testing sessions were conducted a week after the baseline session, followed by two sessions, 2 days and a week after the 1st session. Three different modalities (SASTMTM, Therapeutic Ultrasound and “The Stick”) were performed on a treatment leg, and the opposite leg served as a control. Data collection consisted of a warm-up on a cycle ergometer followed by one randomly chosen modality on the treatment leg. Data collection was conducted using a Cybex 300-isokinetic device and a digital goniometer. Isokinetic strength testing was performed at 60, 180 and 240o/s. Isometric testing was collected at 45o of knee flexion. Repeated two-way ANOVA’s (3-Treatment x 3-Time) were used for statistical analyses to determine the effects of interventions and the time on strength and flexibility. The statistical analyses resulted in no significant results (p≤.05) for acute effects for either strength or flexibility with respect to time, treatment or treatment and time interactions.en-USFibrosisInstrument assisted soft tissue mobilizationManual therapyMyofascialSoft tissue mobilizationSound assisted soft tissue mobilizationAcute Effects of Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (SASTM) on Lower Extremity Flexibility, Isokinetic and Isometric StrengthDissertation