Bute, Jennifer J.Brann, Maria2019-11-082019-11-082019Bute, J. J., & Brann, M. (2019). Tensions and Contradictions in Interns’ Communication about Unexpected Pregnancy Loss. Health Communication, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2019.1570429https://hdl.handle.net/1805/21318Early miscarriage is an unexpected pregnancy complication that affects up to 25% of pregnant women. Physicians are often tasked with delivering the bad news of a pregnancy loss to asymptomatic women while also helping them make an informed decision about managing the miscarriage. Assessing the communicative responses, particularly the discursive tensions embedded within providers’ speech, offers insight into the (in)effective communication used in the delivery of bad news and the management of a potentially traumatic medical event. We observed and analyzed transcripts from 40 standardized patient encounters using Baxter’s relational dialectics theory 2.0. Results indicated that interns invoked two primary distal already-spoken discourses: discourses of medicalization of miscarriage and discourses of rationality and informed consent. We contend that tensions and contradictions could affect how women respond to the news of an impending miscarriage and offer practical implications for communication skills training.enPublisher Policymiscarriageearly pregnancy lossrelational dialectics theoryTensions and Contradictions in Interns’ Communication about Unexpected Pregnancy LossArticle