Schwartz, KatherineAlexander, Andrew O.Lau, Katherine S. L.Holloway, Evan D.Aalsma, Matthew C.2017-09-222017-09-222017Schwartz, K., Alexander, A. O., Lau, K. S., Holloway, E. D., & Aalsma, M. C. (2017). Motivating compliance: Juvenile probation officer strategies and skills. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 56(1), 20-37. probation officers aim to improve youth compliance with probation conditions, but questions remain about how officers motivate youth. The study’s purpose was to determine which officer-reported probation strategies (client-centered vs. confrontational) were associated with their use of evidence-based motivational interviewing skills. Officers (N = 221) from 18 Indiana counties demonstrated motivational interviewing skills by responding to scenarios depicting issues common to youth probationers. Results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that, while officer endorsement of client-centered strategies was not associated with differential use of motivational interviewing skills, officers endorsing confrontational strategies were less likely to demonstrate motivational interviewing skills.enIUPUI Open Access Policyjuvenile offendersmotivational interviewingprinciples of effective interventionMotivating compliance: Juvenile probation officer strategies and skillsArticle