Dolan, LeviWhipple, Elizabeth C.2023-11-302023-11-302023-10-12Dolan L, Whipple EC. From overview to hands-on practice: iterating NIH data management & sharing plan support. Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Virtual Conference, online. 10/12/2023. In the past year, many librarians have been providing enhanced data management user support relating to NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (DMSP) implementation. This study aims to make preliminary comparisons of attendee response and librarian workload surrounding two different hour-long library classes offered on the NIH DMSP. One class focused on policy overview and another was structured around active engagement with our institutional workflow, using materials and guidance we created. METHODS: Both classes were offered five times during the Fall 2022-beginning of Summer 2023. In Fall 2022, only the overview class was offered. The workflow class debuted in Spring 2023. We compared attendance numbers, demographics of attendees, and librarian time spent in DMSP consults before and after the second class was implemented. RESULTS: Mean attendance for both classes was similar; the overview class had slightly higher mean attendance than the workflow class. The highest attendance for a single class was for the first workflow class offered. The time spent on individual consults decreased after the workflow class was implemented. CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in time spent on consults after the workflow class was implemented is a potential indicator that this format increased instruction effectiveness and librarian efficiency. The comparisons are limited by small sample size and an unknown degree of variable dependency on timing related to other factors, such as the academic year and the NIH grant cycle calendar.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalNIH Data Management & Sharing PolicyEducation assessmentdata managementFrom Overview to Hands-On Practice: Iterating NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan SupportPresentation