Hill, Danielle V.Tirkes, Temel2022-06-132022-06-132020-08Hill DV, Tirkes T. Advanced MR Imaging of the Pancreas. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2020;28(3):353-367. doi:10.1016/j.mric.2020.03.003https://hdl.handle.net/1805/29336MR imaging can be optimized to evaluate a spectrum of pancreatic disorders with advanced sequences aimed to provide quantitative results and increase MR diagnostic capabilities. The pancreas remains a challenging organ to image because of its small size and location deep within the body. Besides its anatomic limitations, pancreatic pathology can be difficult to identify in the early stages. For example, subtle changes in ductal anatomy and parenchymal composition seen in early chronic pancreatitis are imperceptible with other modalities, such as computed tomography. This article reviews the application of MR imaging techniques and emerging MR sequences used in pancreas imaging.en-USPublisher PolicyDiffusion-weighted imagingExtracellular volumeQuantitative imagingT1 mappingAdvanced MR Imaging of the PancreasArticle