Butterfield, KevinLi, HuianZou, XukaiLi, Feng2016-10-192016-10-192015-08Butterfield, K., Li, H., Zou, X., & Li, F. (2015). Enhancing and Implementing Fully Transparent Internet Voting. In 2015 24th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) (pp. 1–6). http://doi.org/10.1109/ICCCN.2015.7288408https://hdl.handle.net/1805/11197Voting over the internet has been the focus of significant research with the potential to solve many problems. Current implementations typically suffer from a lack of transparency, where the connection between vote casting and result tallying is seen as a black box by voters. A new protocol was recently proposed that allows full transparency, never obfuscating any step of the process, and splits authority between mutually-constraining conflicting parties. Achieving such transparency brings with it challenging issues. In this paper we propose an efficient algorithm for generating unique, anonymous identifiers (voting locations) that is based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we extend the functionality of an election to allow for races with multiple winners, and we introduce a prototype of this voting system implemented as a multiplatform web application.enPublisher Policyinternet votinge-votingtransparencyEnhancing and Implementing Fully Transparent Internet VotingArticle