Baker, Cynthia A.2022-03-072022-03-07200639 Indiana Law Review 483 to challenge us to a better understanding of the relationship between law and public integrity, the 2005 Program on Law and State Government Fellowship Symposium brought together a stellar faculty from around the state and nation to discuss how laws, lawmakers, and citizens shape the ethical standards and behavior of public officials and employees. The fifth fellowship event since the Program on Law and State Government's inception in 1997, Integrity in Public Service: Living Up to the Public Trust?, embodied the Program's mission of fostering the study and research of critical legal issues facing state governments. A vital component of the Program on Law and State Government, the Fellowships offer an extracurricular academic opportunity for students interested in contributing to the contemporary scholarship of law and state government. Like the symposium, the articles and remarks collected in this review result from the ideas, research, and work of the 2005 Program on Law and State Government Fellows, Michael Montagano and Shariq Siddiqui.en-USThe Role of Law, Lawmakers, and Citizens in Establishing Public TrustArticle