Lewis, David W.2007-05-302007-05-302007-05-30https://hdl.handle.net/1805/953The paper presents a model for academic libraries for the next 20 years. The parts of the model are: 1.) Complete the migration from print to electronic collections; 2.) Retire legacy print collections; 3.) Redevelop the library space; 4.) Reposition library and information tools, resources, and expertise, and 5.) Migrate the focus of collections from purchasing materials to curating content. The interactions of the parts of the model and organizational issues for implementation are explored. THE PUBLISHED VERSION OF THIS PAPER, Lewis, David W. "A Strategy for Academic Libraries in the First Quarter of the 21st Century." College & Research Libraries 68(5):418-434 September 2007, CAN BE FOUND AT: http://hdl.handle.net/1805/1592157696 bytes58477 bytesapplication/mswordapplication/pdfen-USAcademic LibrariesFutureLibrary CollectionsAcademic libraries -- AdministrationLibrary administrationDigital librariesCollection development (Libraries)A Strategy for Academic Libraries in the First Quarter of the 21st CenturyPreprint