Odell, Jere D.Lemus-Rojas, MairelysBrys, Lucille2022-07-292022-07-292022-07-01Odell, J., Lemus-Rojas, M., & Brys, L. (2022). Wikidata for Scholarly Communication Librarianship. IUPUI University Library. https://doi.org/10.7912/9Z4E-9M13https://hdl.handle.net/1805/29668This is a static version of the text, provided here for archival purposes. For the best reading experience and for any recent updates, please use the Pressbooks version at: [LINK]https://iu.pressbooks.pub/wikidatascholcomm[/LINK]Wikidata for Scholarly Communication Librarianship was developed for anyone working in an academic library (or interested in working in an academic library) who may have a small or large role in supporting scholarly communication related services. The first two chapters, however, could serve as a basic introduction to Wikidata for anyone in academic librarianship. The remaining three chapters focus on a few topics that may be of more interest to those who work on open metadata, research metrics, and researcher profile projects.en-USAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalWikidataScholarly CommunicationLibrarianshipOpen Educational ResourceLinked DataScholarly ProfilesWikidata for Scholarly Communication LibrarianshipOther