Sun, LuGuo, JunsongZhou, JieXu, QingmingChu, DerynChen, Rongrong2016-02-012016-02-012012-04-13Lu Sun, Junsong Guo, Jie Zhou, Qingming Xu, Deryn Chu, and Rongrong Chen. (2012, April 13). NOVEL NANOSTRUCTURED HIGH-PERFORMANCE ANION EXCHANGE IONOMERS FOR ANION EXCHANGE MEMBRANE FUEL CELLS. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractA novel block copolymer, styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS), was chosen as the starting material to prepare pendant quaternary ammonium-based ionomers with an ion-exchange-capacity (IEC) of 0.66, 1.30, and 1.54 meq g-1, denoted by QSEBS-L, QSEBS-M, and QSEBS-H, respectively. These QSEBS ionomers were demonstrated to have excellent dimensional stability against hydration without significantly sacrificing the ionic conductivity as compared to the widely studied polysulfone (PSf) based ionomers. The water uptake of the QSEBS-based ionomers depended on their functionality; a higher IEC in the ionomer resulted in more water uptake and a higher ionic conductivity. The MEAs fabricated with the QSEBS-M and QSEBS-H ionomers showed the best H2/O2 fuel cell performance with peak power densities reaching 210 mW cm-2 at 50 °C, which was significantly higher than that of the PSf-based ionomers (~30 mW cm-2). Electrochemical impedance spec-troscopy (EIS) analysis indicated that the superior fuel cell performance ob-served with the QSEBS-based ionomers can be attributed to: (1) the low in-ternal cell resistance due to good comparability of the QSEBS-based ionomers with the membranes and (2) the low mass transport and charge transport in both the anode and the cathode due to the excellent dimension-al stability and balanced conductivity-hydrophobicity originated by the unique morphology of the QSEBS-based ionomers. AFM phase imaging measurements of the QSEBS-based ionomers revealed unique nanostruc-tures containing isolated hydrophobic and continuous anion conducting hy-drophilic domains. By further optimizing the chemistry and morphology of the ionomers and the membranes, the resistance of the anode and cathode of the AEMFCs will be further reduced.en-USstyrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS)ion-exchange-capacity (IEC)MEMBRANE FUEL CELLSANION EXCHANGE IONOMERSNOVEL NANOSTRUCTURED HIGH-PERFORMANCE ANION EXCHANGE IONOMERS FOR ANION EXCHANGE MEMBRANE FUEL CELLSPoster