Levine Daniel, JamieKim, Mirae2019-03-062019-03-062019Levine Daniel, J., and Kim, M. (Forthcoming). Creative Placemaking: Building Partnerships to Create Change. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs.2381-3717https://hdl.handle.net/1805/18536Arts, artists, and creative strategies can be critical vehicles for planning to achieve social, economic, and community goals. Creative placemaking is one type of arts-led planning that incorporates both stakeholder participation and community goals. Yet, questions exist around who participates in the creative placemaking process and to what end. Our study discusses a case where a state-sponsored workshop brings people from diverse backgrounds together to facilitate community development and engagement through creative placemaking. In particular, the event discussed in this study highlights how a one-shot intervention can reshape perceptions of creative placemaking held by planners, non-planners, artists, and non-artists. Our study also shows that while pre-workshop participants tended to identify resource-based challenges, post-workshop participants focused more on initiating collaborations and being responsive to community needs. The different attitudes before and after the state-sponsored workshop demonstrate the importance of facilitating stakeholder understanding and engagement for successful creative placemaking.en-USAttribution 3.0 United StatesCreative PlacemakingEconomic DevelopmentArts and CultureRuralCollaborationCreative Placemaking: Building Partnerships to Create ChangeArticle