Flashman, Laura A.McDonald, Brenna C.Ford, James C.Kenny, Rachel M.Andrews, Katharine D.Saykin, Andrew J.McAllister, Thomas W.2020-08-282020-08-282020Flashman, L., McDonald, B. C., Ford, J., Kenny, R., Andrews, K., Saykin, A. J., & McAllister, T. (2020). Differential Effects of Pergolide and Bromocriptine on Working Memory Performance and Brain Activation after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI). Journal of Neurotrauma. https://doi.org/10.1089/neu.2020.7087https://hdl.handle.net/1805/23745Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors differ with respect to patterns of regional brain distribution and behavioral effects. Pre-clinical work suggests that D1 agonists enhance working memory, but the absence of selective D1 agonists has constrained using this approach in humans. This study examines working memory performance in mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients when given pergolide, a mixed D1/D2 agonist, compared with bromocriptine, a selective D2 agonist. Fifteen individuals were studied 1 month after mTBI and compared with 17 healthy controls. At separate visits, participants were administered 1.25 mg bromocriptine or 0.05 mg pergolide prior to functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using a working memory task (visual-verbal n-back). Results indicated a significant group-by-drug interaction for mean performance across n-back task conditions, where the mTBI group showed better performance on pergolide relative to bromocriptine, whereas controls showed the opposite pattern. There was also a significant effect of diagnosis, where mTBI patients performed worse than controls, particularly while on bromocriptine, as shown in our prior work. Functional MRI activation during the most challenging task condition (3-back > 0-back contrast) showed a significant group-by-drug interaction, with the mTBI group showing increased activation relative to controls in working memory circuitry while on pergolide, including in the left inferior frontal gyrus. Across participants there was a positive correlation between change in activation in this region and change in performance between drug conditions. Results suggest that activation of the D1 receptor may improve working memory performance after mTBI. This has implications for the development of pharmacological strategies to treat cognitive deficits after mTBI.enPublisher Policyworking memorymild traumatic brain injuryfunctional MRIDifferential Effects of Pergolide and Bromocriptine on Working Memory Performance and Brain Activation after Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryArticle