Romito, LauraHarvey, SavannahRomito, Laura2016-06-222016-06-2204/13/15 To assess an evidence-based continuing education (CE) program for Indiana healthcare practitioners focusing on tobacco use and dependence which emphasized team-based tobacco dependence treatment. Methods: Program impact was assessed by changes in participants’ self-reported knowledge and clinical application of course concepts and strategies via a 26-item immediate post- CE survey and a 19 -item 3-month follow-up survey. Surveys included multiple-choice and 5-point Likert-style scaled items. The three month follow-up surveys were mailed / delivered electronically to participants; non-responders were sent two reminders. De-identified data were analyzed in aggregate using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficients, and Mantel-Haenszel chi-square tests. Results: CE programs were held in Tell City, Madison, Lafayette, Goshen, Richmond and Vincennes with a total of 252 participants. Initial survey response was 98.4% (n=248): dental assistants (2%), dental hygienists (83%), dentists (8.5%), and other healthcare professionals (6.45%). Overall, participants reported less knowledge before than immediately after (p<.0001) and 3 months after (p<.0001) the CE program. Reported knowledge at 3 months was less than immediately after the program (p<.002). Participants planned to apply CE program communication strategies (99%), implement brief tobacco intervention strategies (85%), and refer patients to local cessation resources (95%) or the Indiana Quitline (96%). Response rate for the 3 month survey was 54% (n=136). Respondents reported currently playing an active role in team-based tobacco cessation (48%,78), applying CE communication strategies (85%,109), and implementing brief tobacco interventions (71%,90). Sixty-eight respondents reported referring patients to local counselors; eighty-three referred to the Indiana Quitline. Conclusion: Tobacco dependence CE may be beneficial to enhance health care practitioners’ knowledge and willingness to integrate tobacco interventions in their healthcare settings. However, this does not assure that they will change their practice behaviors by utilizing the learned concepts and tobacco interventions with patients. (Funded by the Indiana State Dept. of Health)Impact of a Tobacco CE Program for Indiana Healthcare Providers.Poster