Abu Rumman, SamirAl Shayji, Abdulrazzak2018-07-252018-07-252018https://hdl.handle.net/1805/16812The main law governing the formation of charitable organizations and institutions in Kuwait is the Public Benefit Associations Law. In accordance to Article 4 of the Public Benefit Associations Law, any group of no less than 50 persons may apply for the formation of a public benefit association to provide services or carry out social, cultural, religious, or sports activities on a voluntary basis without profit, and to manage charitable societies established in 2002. The founding member of the association is required to be a Kuwaiti citizen not less than 21 years of age and not have committed a breach of honor or any crime.en-USCountry ReportPhilanthropyKuwaitCountry Report 2018: KuwaitDataset