Rowan, Courtney M.Teagarden, Alicia M.Cater, Daniel T.Moser, Elizabeth A.S.Baykoyanni, GiorgosPaczesny, Sophie2020-07-312020-07-312020-05Rowan, C. M., Teagarden, A. M., Cater, D. T., Moser, E., Baykoyannis, G., & Paczesny, S. (2020). Early high plasma ST2, the decoy IL-33 receptor, in children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation is associated with the development of post-transplant diabetes mellitus. Haematologica, 105(5), e249–e252. 4.0 InternationalPost-transplant diabetes mellitusPTDM in childrenHematopoietic cell transplantationIL-33 receptorGlucose homeostasisHigh plasma sST2Insulin resistanceEarly high plasma ST2, the decoy IL-33 receptor, in children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation is associated with the development of post-transplant diabetes mellitusArticle