Swann, SarahClifft, Monica2016-01-192016-01-192012-04-13Sarah Swann and Monica Clifft. (2012, April 13). COMPARISON OF I-123 THYROID UPTAKE PHANTOM VALUES: GAMMA CAM-ERA VERSUS UPTAKE PROBE. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/8113poster abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether gamma cameras and uptake probes give comparable uptake results using 123I capsules. Methods: During a month-long period, five standard 123I thyroid dose cap-sules (156-163 μCi) were placed into a neck phantom, and positioned 10 centimeters away from the uptake probes and pinhole collimators attached to two gamma cameras. Each capsule was counted sixty seconds in three trials per capsule, along with a sixty second background count. The counts measured by both uptake probes and gamma cameras were compared. Re-sults: Comparison between the gamma camera uptake values and the probe system uptake values were done. The Argus gamma camera had higher counts than the Transcam 80% of the time. The probe systems had higher counts than the gamma cameras 100% of the time. Conclusion: Probe A and Probe B had significant higher counts than the Transcam and the Argus camera.en-USgamma camerasuptake probesuptake valuesTHYROID UPTAKECOMPARISON OF I-123 THYROID UPTAKE PHANTOM VALUES: GAMMA CAM-ERA VERSUS UPTAKE PROBEPoster