Ganda, B. K.Association of Kenya Physicians Scientific Conference (11th : Mar. 2007 : Eldoret, Kenya)2007-11-162007-11-162007 I –Theatre: • Eldoret Dist Hosp built in 1926 • 1926-1999. One operation table • 2000-Majaliwa Theatre 4 tables; intensive care room as ICU Indiana Community • 2007-2 More operation tables. Indiana Comm.enpioneer surgeryrenal transplantKenyaEldoret HospitalHospitals -- Eldoret (Kenya)Moi Teaching and Referral HospitalTransplantsKidney TransplantationChallenges of the Pioneer Renal Transplants at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, KenyaPresentation