Scott, Nicole P.Martin, Terrell W.Schmidt, Alison M.Shanks, Anthony L.2024-02-142024-02-142023-10-09Scott, N. P., Martin, T. W., Schmidt, A. M., & Shanks, A. L. (2023). Impact of an Online Question Bank on Resident In-Training Exam Performance. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 10. In-training exams (ITEs) are administered annually to Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) residents and have been demonstrated to correlate with success on licensing examinations. Our study objective was to determine the impact of a question bank and mock exam on the performance of Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) ITEs. Secondarily, we investigated the correlation between the extent of question bank usage and performance on the exam. METHODS Pre–post intervention study of resident performance on CREOG ITE before and after implementation of the question bank and mock ITE at Indiana University in 2018. Performance was measured as year-to-year improvement in percent correct on ITE exams. Scores were excluded if a resident did not have a prequestion bank score report or if they did not sit for all eligible ITE exams. RESULTS There were 51 OBGYN residents at Indiana University during the study period, with 38 available for analysis (75%). Before implementation, average year-to-year improvement for PGY1-2, PGY2-3 and PGY3-4 classes were 0.60%, 1.0% and −1.6%, respectively. After implementation, all resident classes had significant improvements in ITE scores of 6.6% (P < .01), 9.0% (P < .01), and 7.2% (P < .01), respectively. There was a moderate program-wide correlation between the number of questions completed and the percent improvement on the ITE of R = 0.36 (P = .046). CONCLUSIONS Our study demonstrated that access to a question bank and mock ITE significantly improved CREOG ITE performance of OBGYN residents at Indiana University.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationalquestion bankin-service training examretrieval practicequizresidencyeducationImpact of an Online Question Bank on Resident In-Training Exam PerformanceArticle