Elsaid, Nahla M. H.Zhuo, JiachenPrince, Jerry L.Wu, Yu-ChienRadhakrishnan, Rupa2022-02-112022-02-112020Elsaid, N. M. H., Zhuo, J., Prince, J. L., Wu, Y.-C., & Radhakrishnan, R. (2020). Application of phase-based motion outlier detection to infant dMRI. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 5.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/27781Detecting and eliminating motion-corrupted slices is crucial in diffusion MRI (dMRI), and particularly essential in imaging neonates. Conventional magnitude-based outlier rejection methods are intensity-based and can usually detect and correct intra-volume movement but can miss outliers in cases of small continuous motions. Phase-based methods can be used to detect motion independently, regardless of the slice-to-volume location. The phase-based method is reasonably accurate and computationally fast, and may be better suited for real-time detection of motion in dMRI. Combining magnitude and phase methods could produce the best results. Here, we evaluate the phase-based method versus the magnitude-based method in neonatal data.enPublisher Policydiffusion MRIneonatesphase-based motion outlier detectionApplication of phase-based motion outlier detection to infant dMRIArticle